Random Notes from Perugia...
When in England, always carry an umbrella.
When in Germany, always carry a phrase book. (Not because they don't speak English- it's all about being polite.)
When in Italy, always carry a liter of water.
Always mind the gap and always mind your bag, no matter where you are.
A few pictures of Perugia...Since the city is situated atop a mountain, every view is similar to the photos above.
So now it's just this sore throat that's annoying me. Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to enjoy the Umbria Jazz Festival since I've been trying to completely cure myself before my trip to Berlin tomorrow for the LoveParade...(in other words, I need to rest because this weekend will consist of nothing but non-stop partying. °Insert sinister grin here°)
My parents tend to believe that this love of EDM I possess will magically cease one day, as if it's some sort of fad. You know, mullets come, mullets go. And perhaps one day I will not be frequenting clubs like I do now (actually, that has already decreased because my taste in dance music and in crowds is has been tweaked over the years..a bittersweet education/realization), but I'm quick to assure anyone that I won't ever stop listening the electronic music as a whole.