Random Notes from Perugia...
When in England, always carry an umbrella.
When in Germany, always carry a phrase book. (Not because they don't speak English- it's all about being polite.)
When in Italy, always carry a liter of water.
Always mind the gap and always mind your bag, no matter where you are.
A few pictures of Perugia...Since the city is situated atop a mountain, every view is similar to the photos above.
So now it's just this sore throat that's annoying me. Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to enjoy the Umbria Jazz Festival since I've been trying to completely cure myself before my trip to Berlin tomorrow for the LoveParade...(in other words, I need to rest because this weekend will consist of nothing but non-stop partying. °Insert sinister grin here°)
My parents tend to believe that this love of EDM I possess will magically cease one day, as if it's some sort of fad. You know, mullets come, mullets go. And perhaps one day I will not be frequenting clubs like I do now (actually, that has already decreased because my taste in dance music and in crowds is has been tweaked over the years..a bittersweet education/realization), but I'm quick to assure anyone that I won't ever stop listening the electronic music as a whole.
At 3:13 AM, July 14, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Ciao Daniela! Love the updates, so glad you're doing well! Enjoy these times and take it all in girlfriend! You look like you met tons of very cool people, takes lots more pics...
C is leaving on the 22nd for 3 weeks, he is very excited. He asks about you all the time. We've been spending a lot of time with Joseph and Tyler..having a ball. Feel better and triple up on the tea. Try oregano oil 3 times a day, it really helps. Love and miss you.
Veronica (Roe) xo
ps can't wait for you to see the house, it's coming along so beautifully
At 12:46 AM, July 20, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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